Director’s Message
Regional Institute of English, North India, Chandigarh welcomes you! As director of the institute, it is a privilege for me to introduce RIE. Established in 1963, RIE came into being for bringing qualitative improvement in the field of English Language Teaching /Learning in the Northern Region of India. The institute deals with various aspects of teacher education. The participants are given training to promote learner-calibre at all levels.
RIE is a postgraduate institution and the participants in different programme are generally in-service teachers with MA English or B.Ed with English as one of the teaching subjects. The institute has trained thousands of teachers under its various programmes. At RIE, participants are engaged in discovering the nuances of language keeping the real-life context in view. They are encouraged to follow their own sense of discovery to become autonomous learners. Keeping in view the ever-changing world and its needs, using technology for teaching English is also an integral part of all the programmes that RIE conducts.
In the recent past, RIE has stepped into inter-disciplinary fields. RIE has conducted training in skill development for Punjab, Disaster Management for Chandigarh Administration, Personal Development and Training of Soft Skills for Chandigarh Administration. RIE has also been training foreign scholars, teachers and officials under various teacher-training and ESP Programmes. Additionally, the institute is affiliated to Panjab University for its MA English (started in 2010). Apart from Teacher Education, Curriculum Design and Development and Material Production are also among the most important functions of RIE. All teacher-education programmes are need-based. The modules shared with the participants are appropriated to their needs in every programme. Over the years, the institute has produced study materials including textbooks for Chandigarh Administration and also other states such as Punjab and Haryana.
The faculty of RIE is very well qualified and the institute strives towards constant enrichment and updation. The institute has its own peer-reviewed ELT journal with a collection of extremely useful papers and articles. The infrastructure of the institute helps it to continuously deliver excellence in the field of education. I wish to promise continuous dissemination of quality in teacher education at the institute and would like to thank all the stakeholders in investing their confidence in us.